Life coaching benefits

8 Transformational Life Coaching Benefits

By working with the same transformational coach different clients can have very different results, because it depends on the person, their current situation, values, priorities, goals, commitment and motivation. However, I’ve noticed that there are some improvements, benefits, and results that almost everyone will have. 8 transformational life coaching benefits are: Clarity and awareness Finding…

A new earth review

Eckhart Tolle A New Earth Review – 5 Benefits I Experienced

Eckhart Tolle A New Earth book was the best book I have read in 2021. It had a big influence on me. That’s why I decided to share with you what I’ve learned from it. After I’ve implemented the teaching from Eckhart Tolle A New Earth in my everyday life, I’ve noticed 5 interesting changes….

Morning Pages Prompts

5 Inspiring Morning Pages Prompts From a Transformational Coach

I read Julia Cameron’s book, where she talks about morning pages, about 7-8 years ago. I was inspired by the idea of morning pages and started writing them straight away. I achieved really good results and made some important changes in my life. Since then, Morning pages is one of my favorite ways of journaling,…

Transformational coaching

What is Transformational Coaching and how can it help you?

What is transformational coaching and how can it help you? What is the Transformational coaching model? What’s the difference between transformational coaching and life coaching?  How to find a certified transformational coach? How to get the most out of transformational coaching sessions? Almost everyone knows this feeling, when you wake up one day and realize that you…

3 simple ways to practice gratitude

3 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude that will Change Your Life

Practicing gratitude is a simple but a very powerful way to change your state and your life as well. If you want to know why gratitude is so important, how it can help you, and get some tips and examples on simple but powerful ways to practice gratitude then continue reading. Probably you have already…