Motivation and personal growth

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset by Balancing Your Root Chakra

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset by Balancing Your Root Chakra

A scarcity mindset is often challenging to identify, and even more difficult to overcome once recognized. From a young age, I dealt with a scarcity mindset, rooted in fears of lack and insecurity that shaped my behavior and decisions for many years. It wasn’t until I began recognizing these patterns and delving into the causes…

My Journey From a Toxic Relationship to a Happy Marriage

My Journey From a Toxic Relationship to a Happy Marriage

In the realm of personal transformation, few stories are as compelling as the journey from darkness to light, from self-doubt to self-love. In this blog post, I want to share my own story of transformation – a journey that took me from the depths of loneliness, low self-esteem, and a toxic relationship to the pinnacle…

My 30-Day Keto Challenge – Results And Side Effects

My 30-Day Keto Challenge – Results And Side Effects

Two weeks prior to my 30-day keto challenge, I stopped eating sugar, and about one week prior all grains. I was still eating some fruit, legumes, and starchy vegetables in small amounts. I believe that this preparation made my transitions to the ketogenic diet a bit easier. I decided to start my 30-day keto challenge…

Eckhart Tolle A New Earth Review – 5 Benefits I Experienced

Eckhart Tolle A New Earth Review – 5 Benefits I Experienced

Eckhart Tolle A New Earth book was the best book I have read in 2021. It had a big influence on me. That’s why I decided to share with you what I’ve learned from it. After I’ve implemented the teaching from Eckhart Tolle A New Earth in my everyday life, I’ve noticed 5 interesting changes….

3 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude that will Change Your Life

3 Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude that will Change Your Life

Practicing gratitude is a simple but a very powerful way to change your state and your life as well. If you want to know why gratitude is so important, how it can help you, and get some tips and examples on simple but powerful ways to practice gratitude then continue reading. Probably you have already…