scarcity mindset and root chakra

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset by Balancing Your Root Chakra

A scarcity mindset is often challenging to identify, and even more difficult to overcome once recognized. From a young age, I dealt with a scarcity mindset, rooted in fears of lack and insecurity that shaped my behavior and decisions for many years. It wasn’t until I began recognizing these patterns and delving into the causes…

Painful Journey of Opening the Root Chakra: Why It’s Worth It

Painful Journey of Opening the Root Chakra: Why It’s Worth It

The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is responsible for our sense of survival and basic needs. Both physically and emotionally, it anchors our feelings of safety and security, providing a foundation of stability. When these essential needs are threatened or unmet, and we lack the resources to handle the situation, energetic blockages can form…

My Journey From a Toxic Relationship to a Happy Marriage

My Journey From a Toxic Relationship to a Happy Marriage

In the realm of personal transformation, few stories are as compelling as the journey from darkness to light, from self-doubt to self-love. In this blog post, I want to share my own story of transformation – a journey that took me from the depths of loneliness, low self-esteem, and a toxic relationship to the pinnacle…

My 20-Year Journey with Manifestation & the Law of Attraction

My 20-Year Journey with Manifestation & the Law of Attraction

For nearly two decades, my life has been a laboratory for experimenting with manifestation and the Law of Attraction. My journey began when I was very young, and over the years, I’ve experienced a rollercoaster of astonishing successes and profound disappointments. These contrasting experiences have deeply informed my understanding of these spiritual tools, prompting me…

sacral chakra

Sacral Chakra Balancing + My Experience and Results.

The sacral chakra, or svadhisthana, is one of the most important energy centers in the body. Located in the lower abdomen, this chakra governs creativity, emotions, sexuality, and relationships. When balanced, the sacral chakra allows us to move through life with joy, passion, and healthy boundaries. But when out of alignment, we may experience emotional…

sacral chakra affirmations

44 Sacral Chakra Affirmations to Unlock Creativity, Passion, and Joy

Seeking more creativity, vitality, and passion? Sacral chakra healing could be the key. Balancing this important energy center through sacral chakra affirmations is a powerful self-care ritual for cultivating joy. As a transformational coach, I often recommend sacral chakra healing practices to clients. A balanced sacral chakra helps you access your inner artist, enrich relationships,…


Self-Abandonment: Overcoming the Devastating Effects

As a transformational coach who has overcome my own struggles with self-abandonment, I understand how damaging this pattern can be. In this comprehensive guide, I will define self-abandonment, explain why it happens, and most importantly – provide solutions to stop abandoning yourself and start building self-trust. What is Self-Abandonment? Self-abandonment is when you consistently fail…

i don't deserve love

I Don’t Deserve Love: How to Overcome This Harmful Belief

“I don’t deserve love” is an extremely painful and damaging belief. Many people struggle with feelings of unworthiness when it comes to relationships. This can stem from past rejections, childhood trauma, or low self-esteem. In this comprehensive guide, I’ll explore the root causes of believing you’re undeserving of love, how this belief can ruin your…