reality tunnel, quantum psychology

Reality Tunnel: Quantum Psychology Tools for Transformation

Today, I want to introduce you to the concept of the reality tunnel, a term widely used in quantum psychology. This idea offers a profound understanding of how our beliefs, thoughts, and perceptions shape the world we live in—and how we can take control of this process. The term “reality tunnel” was first introduced by…

why you are stuck

Why You’re Stuck: 4 Hidden Reasons You’re not Taking Action

Many of us set goals, but we often fail to achieve them. Sometimes, it feels like the obstacles in our way—lack of motivation, inner resistance, exhaustion, or even fear—are impossible to overcome. We plan endlessly, but when it comes to taking action, we hesitate or stop halfway. Why does this happen? We often think we…

Sacral chakra, shame and relationships

From Shame to Connection: Healing Relationships with Sacral Chakra Work

I’ve been working on my sacral chakra for nearly a month, dedicating time each day to meditation and energy healing. This journey has been transformative, allowing me to release energy blocks, process uncomfortable emotions, and confront the lingering shame that had quietly hindered my energy flow and self-expression for years. Shame, one of the lowest-frequency…

Acceptance as the Key to Change

Acceptance as the Key to Change: A Personal Experience

We often think of acceptance as stopping, giving up, or refusing to make changes. But in reality, acceptance can be the key to freeing ourselves from inner tension and helping us move forward. Today, I want to talk about how accepting circumstances and possible outcomes can transform your state of mind, restore energy, and lead…

Business class klm

How I Fulfilled My ‘Unrealistic’ Dream: A Journey in Business Class

Have you ever wondered why some dreams feel so out of reach? I had a dream just like that: a long-haul flight in business class. For some, this might seem like just a whim or a trivial desire, but for me, it meant something much bigger. This dream symbolized comfort, abundance, and freedom. But the…

scarcity mindset and root chakra

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset by Balancing Your Root Chakra

A scarcity mindset is often challenging to identify, and even more difficult to overcome once recognized. From a young age, I dealt with a scarcity mindset, rooted in fears of lack and insecurity that shaped my behavior and decisions for many years. It wasn’t until I began recognizing these patterns and delving into the causes…

Painful Journey of Opening the Root Chakra: Why It’s Worth It

Painful Journey of Opening the Root Chakra: Why It’s Worth It

The root chakra, also known as Muladhara, is responsible for our sense of survival and basic needs. Both physically and emotionally, it anchors our feelings of safety and security, providing a foundation of stability. When these essential needs are threatened or unmet, and we lack the resources to handle the situation, energetic blockages can form…