8 Transformational Life Coaching Benefits
By working with the same transformational coach different clients can have very different results, because it depends on the person, their current situation, values, priorities, goals, commitment and motivation. However, I’ve noticed that there are some improvements, benefits, and results that almost everyone will have.
8 transformational life coaching benefits are:
- Clarity and awareness
- Finding what you really want
- Setting SMART goals
- Motivation for actions
- Processing negative emotions
- More confidence and better self-esteem
- Long-lasting tangible results
- More happiness and fulfilment
Now let’s talk a bit more about each of these life coaching benefits.

Table Of Contents
1. Clarity and awareness
Old habits, suppressed emotions, limiting beliefs, and many other things can control what’s going on in your mind. Not many people choose their thoughts consciously or deliberately.
The way we react in different situations and how we explain them is often programmed by our past and old habits. That’s why sometimes you may have repeated problems or be stuck for a long time in situations that you don’t like without seeing any solution. These things happen when you are not aware of the root of your thoughts, reactions, and decisions.
Transformational life coaching sessions will bring more clarity to what’s going on in your mind. You will become more aware of deeper reasons for your current state and life situation. You will get rid of a veil through which you may sometimes perceive yourself and your life. And that’s one of the first life coaching benefits that you can expect.
By bringing clarity and awareness to your life, you start seeing more clearly the nature and the reasons for your thinking patterns, emotions, reactions, beliefs, and choices. You will see how they influence your and become more conscious. And it is the foundation you need for long-term change.
2. Finding what you really want
It may sound strange, but not all of our goals are based on what we really want. Sometimes people prefer to settle for something more visible and realistic instead of following their dreams.
For example, one can work in some big company and have a goal to get a promotion, while not even liking that job and having completely different interests. It happened to me in the past before I finally became completely honest with myself and quit a job that didn’t have anything in common with my real interests and values. It was one of the best decisions in my life. And that’s just one example.
I am sure that, if you look around, you will see that many people are doing the same thing. They pursue something not because it’s their true desire or dream but because it’s easier, and they know how to do it and how to get there.
Often we choose comfort, certainty, stability, and approval of others instead of what we really want. That’s why many people are not even sure what they want at some point in their life. They get used to choosing something easier, more familiar, and more certain instead of risks, difficulties, and the unknown.
One of transformational life coaching benefits is to stop acting out of habits. During sessions, I can help you to find what you really want. We will talk about your dreams and identify your core values. We will look for what makes you happy and how you can bring more of it into your life. If you don’t have a clear, inspiring vision of your ideal life in the future, don’t worry because that’s exactly one of the things you can get, thanks to life coaching.
3. Setting SMART goals
Once you have an inspiring vision of how you want your life to be, you need to set your goals. It may sound like something easy, but try to check with yourself how often you really do it and how many of these goals you have achieved. Goal-setting is a big topic. Your success quite often depends on choosing the right goal. That’s why we can spend quite a lot of time looking for and identifying what you really want. Once you know what you want, your coach will help you set a SMART goal. What does it mean?
S – specific
By asking additional questions, your coach helps you to make your goal specific and narrow. You should know what exactly you want to achieve, not just some vague idea.
M – Measurable
Measurable means you know how you will understand that you really achieved it. What will be the evidence of your progress?
A – Achievable
Checking your goal with your current situation can help you make it realistic. Is it possible to achieve this goal within the time frame you want? Do you have enough time and resources to go for it? If not, can you do something to change your current situation?
R – Relevant
Understanding your core values will help you to choose a relevant goal. You need to know why you are going for it. What will it give you? What kind of change do you expect to have in your life? More freedom, growth, love, certainty, success, adventure, contribution? It varies for each individual because our core values and the hierarchy of the values are different.
T – Time-based
Starting date, your deadline, and milestones make a goal time-based. You should find balance. You don’t want to make it unreasonably urgent to create too much stress. However, make sure that the deadline will keep you motivated for actions, and you will not have time for procrastination and delaying it.
4. Motivation for actions
Once you have a vision of what you want and inspiring goals, it is time to start taking action. Getting motivation will help you with it.
Change your state is the next one of the life coaching benefits. Clients come to the sessions in different states. Sometimes they can experience some negative emotions. They can be upset, worried, angry, or demotivated. But almost everyone leaves the session in a much more positive and empowering state.
There are many life coaching tools and models that can help you change your state to a more empowering one. In some cases, it is enough to understand, what you really want, to become more motivated. In others, you may need a clear plan with steps and faith in yourself to get in the right state. And that’s what life coaching can give you.
Quite often at the end of the session with a client, I hear something like this: “Now I feel calm.” “This situation doesn’t bother me anymore.” “I feel much better.” “Now I know what to do.” “I feel inspired.” “I feel motivated.”
There are some exceptions if we dig into some deep issues or old problems that stop us from taking action. In this case, you may need some time to process it before you are ready to move forward. But still, most of the sessions end with a much more positive and inspiring state. And you can use this motivation straight away to take necessary actions.
5. Processing negative emotions
Most of us have suppressed emotions. It could be anger, fear, sadness, or others. Usually, it’s not easy to find the time or appropriate situation to release these emotions. That’s why people prefer to hide them and pretend that everything is fine. But suppressed emotions can influence our energy, mood, state, and in some cases even health.
A life coaching session is a safe time and place to be open and honest about your real feelings. Honestly, almost all my clients cried at least once during the session. And I see this not as a negative but as a positive moment. They finally get relief. They let themselves be honest about what they feel. They face their emotional pain instead of hiding and suppressing it. And once it happens, they become freer. They are ready to move forward.
The other benefit is that you not only process your negative emotions during the sessions but also gradually learn how to deal with them in a healthy way in your everyday life. You create a new habit and a new relationship with your emotions. Instead of suppressing or ignoring them, you will notice and identify them. Instead of expressing your emotions unconsciously, you will feel and observe them. Instead of reacting straight away, without thinking, you will give yourself time to process them and then act more consciously.
In addition to it, during a session, we can explore with you, what are the real deep reasons for your repeated negative emotions, and then address these issues and challenges.
If you want to learn more about how to deal with your negative emotions you can check my video: How to process negative emotions in a healthy way.
6. More confidence and better self-esteem
No matter what kind of goal you choose, life coaching always helps get more confidence and better self-esteem. Your goal could be about relationships, career, finances, health, business, self-development, or any other topic. But working on your mindset and moving toward your goals helps you to become more confident.
A part of a life coach’s job is to help you see what you’ve already done, achieved, and changed. During the sessions, you will also focus on your strengths, talents, and progress. You will focus on what you can and have done. Most people think a lot about everything that is still not ok and needs to be changed or improved. And it’s good because it helps them have an idea of where they are going. But quite often, they delete another important part.
If you want to feel faith in yourself and have enough motivation to move forward, you also need to pay attention to what you already have in your life, can do, have done, changed, and achieved.
7. Long-lasting tangible results
Having sessions with a life coach, getting clarity and awareness, changing your state, finding what you want, setting goals, and taking actions can help you get real tangible results. And this is one of the main life coaching benefits that people expect to have when they start working with a coach. You can solve your problems, overcome challenges, achieve inspiring goals, and make important and sometimes life-changing decisions.
Life coaching is not only about inner transformation but also about transforming your life. Some people describe life coaching experience as creating an order first in their mind and then in their life. Our choices, actions, and results depend a lot on our mindset. By understanding how to change it, you learn how to change your life as well. Also, a life coach can be an accountable person for you.
From session to session, you will check your progress: what you have already done, changed achieved, what you want to do next, how you feel about it, what obstacles you have and how you can overcome them. Clients’ experience shows that when they know that they will have the next session soon, they are more likely to take steps that they discussed during the previous session.
8. More happiness and fulfillment
Usually, we want to achieve some tangible results or change something in our life because we want to feel differently. We want to fulfill our values and feel happier. And this is also one of the life coaching benefits that you can have.
Did you ever have such a situation in your life when you were pursuing some goal for a long time but achieving it didn’t make you happy? Or maybe it did, but it didn’t last very long. It happens to many people.
To avoid this, we need to know what we really like, enjoy, and what makes us happy. Everyone is different, and you need to find what works for you. That’s why knowing your values can be very helpful.
During life coaching sessions, we give quite a lot of attention to the client’s values. We always check goals for the relevance by comparing the desired results with the values.But not only this. We are also looking for different ways for the client to feel better and happier already here and now.
Thanks to life coaching, you will learn how your thoughts and mindset influence your emotional state and how you can change it to feel better. By doing this you can create more happiness in fulfilment in your life and experience all the life coaching benefits.
Final words
These were 8 transformational life coaching benefits that you can get by start working with a coach. If you want to know more about methods and coaching models that I use in my work check my article about transformational coaching.